Background The course will provide an introduction to the subject and importance of pipeline inspection with a focus on internal inspection using in-line inspection tools. Delegates will be introduced to the different non-destructive testing technologies used in in-line inspection tools...
Agenda 1 Onshore and Offshore Pipelines 1.1 Terminologies (piggable vs. unpiggable, challenging and difficult to inspect) 1.2 Scenarios (Accessibility, Is external inspection an option?) 2 Methods of Inspection 2.1 Inspection Technology 2.2 Operation of inspection tools 3 Preparation 4 Inspection...
Background This course is designed to give an introduction to the world of pipeline anomaly assessment and repair. It will Agenda Target Group
NEUES DATUM: 1.-3. Juli 2025 Älter werdende Leitungsnetze, schwierig zu molchende Leitungen und neue Medien wie Wasserstoff stellen Pipelinebetreiber vor Herausforderungen. Ein Betrieb ohne regelmäßige Inspektionen ist heute nicht mehr denkbar. Das Seminar “Pipeline Inspektion” gibt Antworten aus Technik, Betrieb...