Climate Change Impact on Existing or Future Onshore Pipelines

Registration Deadline: 31 March 2025
Climate Change Pipeline


Since Climate Change is an issue of paramount importance that affects environment, humans and infrastructure worldwide, the course will provide an in-depth introduction into the subject and importance of Climate Change during the stages of evaluation, design, construction and operation of onshore pipelines.

Delegates will learn about the need for the Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Climate Change in relation to the route selection and the pipeline integrity. Additionally, potential mitigation measures will be presented.

The main disciplines that will be presented during the course are Hydrology, Hydraulic Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering, while special emphasis will be given on soil-pipeline interaction.

The course will also integrate the aforementioned topics with Life-cycle Analysis and Performance-based Design concepts.


  1. Introduction
    1. Climate
    2. Evidence of Climate Change
    3. Causes of Climate Change
  1. Climate Change Impact on the Environment
    1. Air
    2. Rain / Water
    3. Ground / Underground
  1. Climate Change & Geohazards
    1. River Crossings
    2. Slope Instabilities & Landslides
    3. Earthquake-related Geohazards
  1. Climate Change Impact on Structures
    1. Impact on Onshore Pipelines
    2. Impact on Compressor Stations
    3. Potential Mitigation Measures

Target Group

Managers, Pipeline Engineers, Technicians or other interested personnel from operators that are involved during the stages of evaluation, design, construction and operation of a pipeline. Engineering Consultants active in the field of hydraulic and geotechnical engineering. Personnel from the authorities or certification bodies involved with pipeline integrity and assessment and licensing.

Regular Ticket
training course only
Reduced Ticket
for ptc conference delegates