Aim / Background
This course will introduce hydrogen in the context of the energy transition. It will offer a broad overview of the history of hydrogen and its pivotal role in the need for decarbonisation, including the different production methods and uses of hydrogen. Specifically, the need for hydrogen pipelines, and the differences between hydrogen and natural gas pipelines, will be covered. These differences are driven by the different characteristics of hydrogen and natural gas, including the embrittling effects of gaseous hydrogen. The operational and risk consequence aspects of hydrogen compared to natural gas will be compared and available code guidance on the conversion of natural gas pipelines will be summarised. The theory of hydrogen embrittlement and its associated cracking threats and effects on mechanical properties will be covered, as well as the relevant testing requirements and protocols. Finally, the impact of these differences on defect assessments and fitness for purpose studies will be introduced, and the requirements for a holistic hydrogen conversion and integrity management process outlined.
1. Role of hydrogen in the energy transition:
- History of hydrogen
- Properties of hydrogen
- Production of hydrogen (different colours)
- Hydrogen demand and use
- Requirement for hydrogen pipelines
2. Differences between hydrogen and natural gas pipelines:
- Code requirements (ASME B31.12, AIGA / EIGA Guidelines, TD1 Supplement, DVGW G409 etc.)
- Operational requirements (pressure, flow rates etc.)
- Risk consequences (hazardous radius, likelihood of explosion etc.)
3. Conversion of existing natural gas pipelines to hydrogen:
- Code guidance
- Operational requirements
- Repurposing methodology
4. Effects of hydrogen on pipeline materials:
- Theory of hydrogen embrittlement
- Possibility of cracking (HIC)
- Effects on strength, ductility, fracture toughness, fatigue
- Implications for welds (seam and girth)
- Testing requirements / protocols
5. Defect assessment:
- Common defect types (crack-like defects, corrosion, dents, dent-gouges etc.)
- Data requirements to assess defects
- Assessment techniques (BS 7910, API 579 etc.) and hydrogen knock-down factors
6. Integrity management of hydrogen pipelines:
- Requirements for an Integrity Management System for a hydrogen pipeline
- Comparison to IMS for a Natural Gas Pipeline
Before your training on the begins, ROSEN’s Competence Club, the premier learning and collaboration platform for the pipeline industry, is available for your use at no additional cost. This platform provides four complimentary pre-seminar e-learns that are designed to support you in acquiring the prerequisite knowledge for the course and enhancing your awareness level skillset. The e-learn training can be completed at your own pace and at a time that is convenient for you.
Target Group
If you’re an engineer, a regulator, inspector, integrity consultant, or compliance officer looking to expand your knowledge of emerging fuels at a foundational level, this course is perfect for you. Additionally, as a cohort member, you’ll have access to ROSEN’s Competence Club, which provides awareness-level e-learns to prepare you for the session.