Dr. Psarropoulos is a Structural and Geotechnical Engineer with a balanced scientific and professional experience in the analysis and design of various structures and geostructures during the last 20 years. After his Ph.D. on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), he conducted advance research in various institutes in Greece and Italy, while he has been an adjunct Associate Professor of Geophysics and Earthquake Engineering in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering of the Hellenic Air-Force Academy. In parallel, he has been involved (as a consultant engineer) in the design and construction of various challenging engineering projects in Greece and abroad. His expertise is on Geotechnics, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, including mainly: (a) problems of static and dynamic soil-structure interaction (such as foundations, retaining structures, pipelines, etc.), (b) static and seismic stability assessment of slopes and embankments, and (c) numerical simulation of dynamic soil response (i.e. local site effects and microzonation studies). Currently, he is teaching Geotechnical Engineering in the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering of NTUA, while he has been a lead member of the team of experts for the quantitative geohazard assessment and the seismic design of two major high-pressure gas pipelines in south-east Europe (IGI-Poseidon and TAP).