Konrad Reber studied physics at the University of Mainz with a focus on Solid State Physics. In a Ph.D. thesis at the material science department of the University of Erlangen, he worked in the field of magnetic materials, in particular the measurement of material parameters using magnetic stray flux methods. At Pipetronix (now part of Baker-Hughes) he was responsible for the development of data analysis algorithms for the application to MFL-pipeline inspections. Later he also became responsible for the magnetic design of MFL-inspection pigs. After changing to NDT Systems & Services (now NDT Global) he continued to work in the field of in-line inspection and broadened his focus to include topics of defect assessment and general comparison methods of different inspection tools. Between 2006 and 2008 he was with TUVRheinland as an expert within the Pipeline Technology Group. He was responsible for international projects on pipeline integrity and pipeline certification. Starting 2008 he was head of research and development for the Innospection Group. The department was responsible for designing new inspection equipment for the Oil and Gas industry. He continued this position for Innetiqs in 2022. His focus is on the development and refinement of testing technologies with applications for underwater or otherwise difficult to inspect structures. He is busy in delivering speeches on conferences and is a trainer in various courses on pipeline inspection.
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