Dr. Beller has worked in the pipeline industry for over 25 years now. After receiving his Master´s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, he joined the Research Center Karlsruhe where he carried out research work for his Phd. thesis on the behaviour of cracks in pipeline steels. In 1988 he joined Preussag AG in their pipeline construction division and in 1991 Pipetronix GmbH, a former subsidiary of Preussag specialized in pipeline inspection utilizing in-line inspection tools. At Pipetronix Dr. Beller held various positions in the Engineering, Sales and Marketing departments, including the position as Marketing Manager. After the merger with Pipeline Integrity International he was appointed Group Training Manager for the PII Group. Michael joined NDT Systems & Services AG in 2001, where he held the position of Corporate Marketing Manager. In June 2013 he joined the ROSEN Group as Director Corporate Strategy Pipelines within the Corporate Marketing Team. Michael has published more than 80 technical papers on the issues of pipeline inspection and integrity and is also co-author of a German standard book on Pipeline Inspection Technology. Michael is a former president of the International Pigging Products & Services Association and is currently a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Pipeline Engineering and the PetroMin Pipeliner, both published internationally. In 2006 he also became a member of the founding board of the Professional Institute of Pipeline Engineers. Dr. Beller has been delivering training courses to the pipeline industry for over 10 years now covering pipeline inspection, pipeline integrity and material defects in pipeline steels and is also a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Karlsruhe, where he teaches Material Science and Technical Mechanics.
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