Dr Yiannis Tsompanakis is a civil engineer specialized in computational dynamic methods in engineering. He is Professor in the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the Technical University of Crete, Greece, and Head of Computational Dynamics & Energy (CODEN) Research Group. His research and engineering interests and expertise include structural and geotechnical earthquake engineering, geoenvironmental engineering, soil-structure interaction, structural optimization, probabilistic mechanics, structural integrity assessment & monitoring, seismic vulnerability & mitigation of geohazards, life-cycle analysis & performance-based design, artificial intelligence methods in engineering, etc. Over the last years, he has given particular emphasis on various engineering problems related to the impact of geohazards on structures and infrastructure, aiming to assist in the protection of the environment, population and infrastructure (transportation networks, pipelines, tanks, etc.) from natural and man-made disasters. Indicative research fields are: a) design of onshore and offshore gas pipelines against geohazards (active faults, landslides, etc.), b) seismic design of liquid fuel tanks, c) onshore and offshore wind turbine design with emphasis on dynamic soil-structure interaction, d) seismic vulnerability of buildings, dams, waste landfills, tailings dams, etc. His research results have been presented in more than 250 publications. He has also organized journal special issues, edited volumes, as well as several conferences, special sessions and mini-symposia. He is member of the editorial board and reviewer in many scientific engineering journals. Ηe serves as the Technical Editor of the Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Journal (Taylor & Francis Publ.).